The Israel Mandate

Take a Journey into the Heart of a Man, Yeshua, for His return to the Land, Jerusalem.

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My Israel Trip with the Israel Mandate Internship was life changing. I was especially blessed by being able to stand on the Mountain Jesus' feet are going to step on at His return.  I was equally blessed by all the revelation I received in prayer both while I was there and after I returned. I highly recommend this trip before Jesus returns and after.


My Israel Mandate trip was memorable beyond what I can adequately articulate. One of the more memorable parts was leading worship on the mount of transfiguration.  I was marked being in the same spot where Jesus was transfigured before His disciples. I was also marked by the supernatural way God provided for me all the monies to go. I had no job and no income and God provided all of the monies I needed while in the internship.  Where God guides, He provides. 


My trip to Israel with the Israel Mandate Internship was truly Life Changing. To walk in the footsteps of Jesus. To see where He died, and rose again. In addition, the chance to fellowship and do Shabbat meals with the Messianic Believers in the Land was a great experience. As well, praying with the team every morning before we went out into the city, was unforgettable. Those encounters and experiences will mark my life and prayer life forever. 

"Going through this three month internship in the Israel Mandate internship totally transformed my life and focus in Christ. I fell in love with Prayer, with Christ and with the land of His return, giving me a dream and desire to visit the place of His return, Jerusalem. Not knowing how I would get the money to go to Jerusalem, God provided all the money as I went through the course. If you're thinking about joining this internship, you will be blessed. It will change your life forever"

Justin Jefferson
2017 Internship Graduate

Jerusalem Pilgrimage 2022 - $3500

Oct 5th -17th 2022 Includes airfare from USA -Includes Lodging in a first class hotel - Includes all Transportation in Israel


50% Complete

Two Step

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